Our associates specialize in providing expert guidance to new immigrants for their financial move and planning. It is highly recommended to seek their advice before relocating to Canada to ensure optimal financial outcomes and to have all the necessary documentation upon arrival.

Are you in need of assistance with any of the following?

  1. Creating a comprehensive Canadian financial plan.
  2. Receiving advice on managing your retirement funds.
  3. Transferring non-retirement funds to Canada.
  4. Building an investment portfolio in the Canadian market.
  5. Guidance on Canadian insurance products.

Arriving in Canada: A Comprehensive Guide

  1. Travel Insurance:
    • Secure travel insurance for a seamless transition.
  2. Leaving the Airport:
    • Navigate airport procedures and prepare for the next steps.
  3. Obtaining a Canadian Résumé:
    • Tailor your résumé to Canadian standards with expert guidance.
  4. Finding a Home to Rent or Buy:
    • Access professional assistance to locate your ideal Canadian residence.
  5. Obtaining a Mortgage:
    • Benefit from expert guidance in obtaining a mortgage.
  6. Financial Advice:
    • Receive valuable financial advice for a secure future in Canada.
  7. Accounting Services:
    • Access professional accounting services to ensure financial compliance and well-being.

Navigating a new country can be overwhelming, and our dedicated section is designed to assist you in setting up the essentials for your new future. Trust Canada Abroad to be your reliable partner in this exciting journey.